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Classes will be running as normal throughout the October Half Term ( Monday 28th October - Sunday 3rd November) 


Club Rules and Procedures

Club Rules Updated February 2024

It is especially important, that all our members take time to read through, and fully understand these rules and procedures, this will ensure everyone involved is fully informed and prepared for their gymnastics class. Should you need any clarification please do not hesitate to ask us for any additional information needed.

Arriving at the Gymnastics Centre

  1. To help us support your child and keep everybody safe, if your child is feeling unwell, has a temperature, cold, cough or headache please do not bring your child to their gymnastics class. Please ensure that we are informed of any injuries or illness that may affect their training and that your customer portal is up to date with all medical information.
  2. The viewing gallery is open for spectators that have members attending the club, the gallery is not open for general public access.
  3. Children will be collected, by the coaches, from the viewing gallery at their class start time. Children must arrive promptly for the start of their class. Please do not enter the gymnastics centre until you have been invited to do so by a member of staff.
  4. It is a requirement that all gymnasts wear suitable clothing for their class. E.g. Leotard, shorts, leggings, or t-shirt.


During the class

  1. Children are expected to behave in an orderly and appropriate manner and to listen to the coaches’ instructions.
  2. No food or drink is allowed in the training hall.
  3. Long hair must be tied back neatly and securely.
  4. Any personal items that are left, either in the viewing gallery or gymnastics centre, will be at the owner’s risk and the club accepts no responsibility for loss or damage.
  5. Jewellery must not be worn. Earrings should be removed. Children that have recently had their ears pierced must cover their earrings with micropore tape.


Finishing the class

  1. At the end of their class all children will be escorted up to the viewing gallery by their coach. Please ensure you collect your child on time at the end of their class. We would prefer that no young children leave the gym or gallery unattended, as all areas outside of the gym are public spaces, which we are unable to supervise.


HGC Membership

  1. Everyone attending the club must be either a member of HGC and pay an annual club membership fee, or alternatively attend our pay as you go classes.
  2. All members participating in gymnastics classes at HGC must have valid HGC Club membership, the HGC membership is administered and paid directly to the club.

    All members will be charged an annual membership fee of £25 valid from 1st January - 31st December. Members joining part way through the year will be subject to the following reduced membership charges. Members joining between the 1st April and the 31st December will be charged a pro-rata rate of £2.50 per month for each remaining month up to and including December. All membership payments are non-refundable.

  1. All members participating in gymnastic classes, over the age of 3, must be registered and hold a current BG (British Gymnastics) Insurance Membership. The BG membership for each year runs from 1st October until the 30th September. To complete the BG online registration and membership process, please visit for additional information or assistance with this registration process please contact BG on 0345 1297129. If BG membership is not in place, your child will not be able to participate in gymnastic classes until it has been completed.
  2. It is a requirement for all members to complete the HGC online Customer Portal registration process, you must provide full contact information. This includes (at a minimum) the full names of gymnasts and parents/guardians, gymnasts DOB, a valid email, telephone, and postal address. To help us support your child correctly please ensure that we are informed of any medical conditions, injury or illness that may affect your child’s training e.g. asthma, earache, colds, dizziness etc. All information is held within your secure personal HGC portal account which you can view update and amend as needed. If any of your details change i.e. contact details, please update this via the HGC parent portal so all records are kept up to date.


Billing and Payments

  1. All members class fees are billed one month in advance. Following your trial class, you will receive a welcome email detailing how to sign up to our customer portal and the details of your enrolment into HGC. You will also receive your first invoice. Within this invoice you will be billed for the club membership and two months fees (the current month and one month in advance), the next invoice and all subsequent fee invoices, will be for the advance monthly fee period only.
  2. All Fees are strictly based on the allocation of a place within a class, therefore if you do not attend the class, fees are still due up to and including the last class within any given bill period.
  3. Fees must be paid promptly and should be received by the club no later than the payment date indicated on your invoice, which is normally the end of the month, this date is clearly indicated on every fee invoice. If payment is not received on time, a late payment charge may be applied to your account and this charge will be added to the following bill period. In the rare event that continued late, or non-payment is recorded then the club will exercise its right to immediately exclude these members from any further classes until all outstanding fees have been received.
  4. If you no longer want your place within a class and wish to withdraw from the club, this can be done at any time providing that the club is given a minimum of one month’s notice, prior to the end of the current billing period. Please do not rely on your child to verbally let us know that he/she will no longer be attending classes. Notice must be given in writing or email by a parent/ guardian.


Useful Contact Information

Customer Portal:

 HGC Admin Office E-mail: