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HGC Gymnastics Awards Scheme Information



At HGC we have developed our own gymnastics awards scheme in house, which has been tailor made to inspire and provide achievable goals for all our recreational members.

Why have we created the awards scheme?

This scheme has been created because the current alternative award scheme fell short of encompassing all of the skills and activities we teach at HGC. We wanted to create a bespoke testing system that reflected the skills we teach and the apparatus we use, for all gymnasts on the recreational pathway.

Our new recreational scheme comprises of 6 levels, across all four pieces of core apparatus, floor, vault, beam and bars.

As gymnasts progress, in addition to the 6 core levels above, there will be a more advanced scheme comprising of Bronze, Silver and Gold which will incorporate progressive skills on Floor, Apparatus (vault, beam and bars) and will include gymnastics skills working in Pairs and Groups.

All skills are progressive throughout the awards scheme, assessing gymnasts on skills they are currently working on within their gymnastics classes and skills that are more specific to the recreational pathway we follow at HGC.

How often will assessments take place?

Every child will be assessed on four different awards per year. Each coach will select the appropriate level to assess based on what the gymnasts have been working on in class.

We will assess the gymnasts twice a year; once in the Autumn term and once in the Spring term. These assessment periods will run for a whole month with gymnasts being assessed during their class time, on their apparatus rotations. Gymnasts will be assessed on two pieces of apparatus per assessment period eg. floor and bars in the Autumn term and beam and vault in the Spring term.

Levels 1-5, on each apparatus, will be presented with a certificate and an award ribbon. Levels 6 and bronze, silver and gold awards will be presented with a certificate and a bespoke Horsham Gymnastics Centre medal.

All award assessment dates and presentation dates will be published via posters within our viewing gallery and will be sent out to all parents via email. All certificates, award ribbons and medals, have been designed in house so every child can be presented with a truly unique award to celebrate their achievement.

How will I know when my child has achieved a new award?

This new award scheme will be running paperless. Coaches will be completing assessment forms electronically within the gym and all communication regarding your child achieving their next award will be done via email and your individual customer portal.

When the assessment month ends, if your child has passed a level, you will receive a ‘congratulations’ email with a link attached and an explanation on how to buy your child’s award. Please note, we will no longer be handing out paper slips, all payments for awards will need to be made online via the link included within your email notification.

How can I purchase award items?

The award items, i.e. certificates/medals are optional and will be available to parents for purchase once notification has been sent out confirming a badge has been passed.


Please note the British Gymnastics Proficiency award scheme that we have previously followed has now been discontinued. Our new scheme has been set up independently and will be run with different levels and with different skills to the British Gymnastics scheme, so a direct comparison cannot be made between their scheme and ours, in terms of what level your child should be on. This decision will be down to your child’s individual coach.