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Customer Portal

Click the button above to log on to your HGC Customer Portal account to view your child's class information, invoices and payments. 

If you have not yet registered on the HGC Customer Portal please click the button above and follow the instructions below. 

1. Click to Begin

2. My Account

3. Forgot Password

4. You will then receive a verification code sent to your email, enter the code and you will then be prompted to reset your password. Your password must contain at lest 8 letters or numbers and must not be a commonly used pass such as password. 

If you wish to use another email address, log on using the current email address we have for you and then change it on your account settings. Or email and we can change it for you. 

You will need to set up your own password. (We will not have access to any password information).


Paying For Fees

Payments via the customer portal button have been enabled. You can also make payments via BACs or by card over the phone. 

We do not accept direct debits.

Please make sure in your bank payment 'reference' box you include your unique payment code. This can be found on your customer portal under the 'Family Custom Fields' Tab. If you do not know your unique BACs payment reference code please email us on and we can send this to you.