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Naomi Stamp Competition

This year’s Naomi Stamp competition was held over two weekends this year with over 300 gymnasts competing from all over the region, 12 gymnasts from our 8 & 5hr completion groups entered this year competing in the advanced levels producing some impressive results.

On Sunday 6th April, 4 girls competed in the advanced 4 piece competition.


The girls had a fantastic competition coming home with a total of 12 individual apparatus medals, then in the overall position rankings for all the apparatus, Isobel came 5th, Jasmine 3rd, Ruby 2nd and Sophie Lomax won the coveted 1st place overall trophy.


Sunday 13th April 8 girls from competed in the Bronze & Silver competition levels who also came home with 12 individual apparatus medals, 5 Bronze, 5 Silver and 2 Gold and overall rankings of 2nd & 3rd very good results.

The full competition results and individual apparatus positions can be viewed on the following link.

2014 Naomi Stamp Competition Results.