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Acrobatic Sussex Championships 2014

07 October 2014 11:21

A massive well done to all the Acrobatic Gymnasts that competed at the Sussex Championships 2014 on Sunday 5th October. Very impressive results were ahieved from all the gymnasts including those were competing for the first time within the Horsham Acro Squad. 

The Horsham Acro Squad won 17 medals in total with 3 shields for Grade 4 Groups, Grade 5 Pairs and Grade 6 Groups.

The results of the podium included:

Grade 2 Mixed Pair - Devon and Nina - 1st Place.

Grade 4 Womens Pair - Zoe and Ella - 2nd Place.

Grade 4 Womens Trio - Alex, Amy and Manami - 1st Place with Shield for Highest Score in Grade 4 Groups.

Grade 5 Mixed Pair - Madeline and Ben - 1st Place.

Grade 5 Womens Trio - Phoebe, Matilda and Myla - 3rd Place.

Grade 5 Womens Pair - Ella and Aimee - 1st Place with Shield for Highest Score in Grade 5 Pairs.

Grade 6 Womens Trio - Natalie, Zoe and Emily - 1st Place with Shield for Highest Score in Grade 6 Groups.


Click here for the Acrobatic Results (at the end of the document).

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