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Artistic South East Regional Grades 2017

South East Regional Grades 2017 – Guildford Spectrum

The competition began with Morgan competing in the National 5 grade where she performed exceptionally well, achieving some very high scores and placing 2nd overall.

In the next round of competition Phoebe, Charley and Isabella all competed at National grade 3. Each of the girls passed this grade with commendations. Millie also competed in this round but at National grade 2. Again Millie passed her grade with commendation, placing 6th overall and being named as the non travelling reserve for the South East team for national finals.

The third round consisted of the compulsory level grades. Horsham was represented by 3 gymnasts at compulsory grade 4. Elisha, Brooke and Tabitha all passed this grade with ease. Elisha placed 11th, Brooke 6th and Tabitha 5th overall as well as being named as the travelling reserve for the South East team at national finals. Brooke and Tabitha will both represent Horsham at the national finals as individuals having achieved the qualifying score enabling them to do this.

The final round of the competition saw Scarlett compete at National grade 1, placing 2nd overall and being named as a south east team member for national finals. Lola competed at National grade 4 where she was crowned the overall champion and will also go on to compete at the national finals as a member of the South East team.

Over the two weekends of grades competitions out of the 18 Horsham gymnasts that competed the club achieved 1 gold medal, 3 silver medals, 1 bronze medal, 1 4th place, 2 5th place and 2 6th place finishes overall with a further 3 in the top 10 at their respective grades.

Good luck to the 4 gymnasts representing the South East region or Horsham at their respective national finals over the next few weeks.