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Gymstars International Invitational- Malta 2017

The team of 7 of the artistic gymnasts flew to Malta on Wednesday 5th July to compete in the GymStars international invitational 2017. This competition has become very popular with team/clubs from around Europe competing leading to a weekend with over 350 competitors. We flew early on the Wednesday morning and spent the rest of the day settling in to the hotel and checking out the surrounding area as well as time in the pool. Thursday was a rest day which was spent at the water park. Friday was our podium training day. This was the girls first experience of a podium training. It went well and gave them a good feel for the apparatus and arena. Friday was also Charles’s 13th birthday with the girls celebrating with her at dinner that evening after a spot of shopping following training, some of them even had their first taste of octopus!!!

Saturday was competition day for Scarlett and Honesty. Both competed really well with Scarlett just having a fall on her acro connection on beam. Scarlett placed 10th on beam and 6th on floor out of 26 competitors. Honesty had a clean competition and picked up a bronze on floor and a gold on beam as well as 6th overall. Sunday was competition day for Millie, Charley, Izzy, Phoebe and Lola. Charley had 2 falls but managed to successfully compete 4 new skills, landing her Tsukahara vault. Charley placed 9th overall, 8th on beam and 5th on bars out of 42 competitors. Millie was also in this category finishing 23rd overall and 9th on bars. Phoebe, Izzy and Lola had a tough group with 55 competitors spreading over a 3 year age band. Izzy finished 29th overall and 14th on bars, Phoebe was 27th overall and 20th on bars. Lola placed an impressive 22nd overall with 10th on beam and 8th on floor.

Sunday evening the host club put on a farewell BBQ and disco for all the competitors, judges and coaches. This was great fun and the girls got to exchange gifts with competitors from Wales, Luxembourg, Austria, Sweden and Cyprus to name a few. After two 10 hour days at the competition venue and a party on the Sunday evening we went to breakfast a little later on the Monday morning before leaving the hotel to return home to the UK.

This was an exceptionally good experience for the girls who have never competed abroad before with all of them making the most of the opportunity and representing Horsham GC extremely well.