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HGC Club Championships 2014

On 20th July, Horsham Gymnastics Centre held its 2014 Recreational Club Championships. The aim of the event is to enable children of all abilities to experience the thrill of being involved in a sporting competition, offering lots of opportunities to receive recognition for their skills. It was a great day to spend with family and friends whilst admiring the amount of talent all of our members. The format comprises of short floor routines and 2 vaulting elements with some gymnasts competing on all four sets of apparatus (floor, vault, bars, beam).

This event doesn’t only reward gymnasts for their efforts and work in the gym but it’s also about bringing everyone together for a fun, friendly event.

In between competition rounds, displays from both the Artistic and Acrobatic Squads were performed to inspire all of the members from Horsham gymnastics centre, including the younger generation to continue and develop their gymnastics skills.

Thank-you to all of the parents and volunteers that helped the set up of the competition too allow all of the gymnasts gain the best experience of the club championships.


Please click here to see the Club Championship_Results