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The Angel of the North women's artistic Competition

The Angel of the North women’s artistic competition took place this weekend in Newcastle, and Horsham sent 8 gymnasts to compete. The gymnasts did extremely well and all achieved various awards showing off their hard work leading up to the competition.

For National Grade 4 Millie Craven achieved a Gold award for bars, a Silver award for range and conditioning and came 11th overall. Poppy Griggs achieved a Gold award for range and conditioning and bars and came 12th overall and Charley Bargman achieved a Gold award for range and conditioning, a Silver award for bars and came 16th overall.

 For National Grade 3 Scarlett Tidy achieved a Gold award for bars and range and conditioning and came 6th overall. Honesty South achieved a Silver award for vault and bars, a Bronze award for range and conditioning and floor and came 7th overall and Fran Clark achieved a Silver award for vault, a Gold award for range and conditioning and came 13th overall.

 For Regional Grade 4 Mandy Rabina achieved a Gold award for bars, a Silver award for range and conditioning and came 12th overall.

 And finally in FIG Sophie Gunn came 4th on vault, 6th on beam and 6th on bars resulting in being placed 6th overall.