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South East Regional Grades 7th and 8th March 2015

On the 7th and 8th of March Horsham Gymnastics Centre sent six gymnasts to compete in the Regional Grades Championships in Guildford. It was a very successful weekend with all of the girls bringing home an award.

Phoebe Light came 1st overall and Elena Jones came 4th overall in Grade 5 in age and they both passed with distinction. Phoebe Light also secured the highest score of her round.

Isabelle Carr came 1st overall and Lily Garrard came 4th overall in Grade 6 out of age. Lola McNaughton came 2nd overall in Grade 6 in age.

Mandy Rabina came 3rd overall in Grade 4.

Congratulations to all the gymnasts who competed it was amazing weekend with wonderful results.