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Club Grade National Finals 2016

01 June 2016 09:32

3 members of the Women's Artistic squad were part of the South East Region National Grade 2 team that placed 5th in the country at the Club Grade National Finals held in Stoke. Fran Clark was the travelling reserve with Honesty South and Scarlett Tidy both posting scores to help the team seal this position.

Honesty had an unfortunate mistake on Bars which dropped her out of the top 15 to finish 25th individually overall out of 50 competitors. Scarlett performed consistently well finishing 7th in the country individually. This was an extremely close fought, high level competition with the gap to the medals just 0.50 of a mark away.

The girls performed extremely well and represented their region exceptionally well. All at Horsham Gymnastics Centre are very proud of these achievements.

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