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South East Regionals Champs 2016

12 September 2016 10:07

The weekend of the 10th/11th September saw the South East Regional Championships take place at Guildford Spectrum. In the first round of competition Millie placed 7th overall at level 3 out of age (04+) as well as finishing 3rd on the beam.
Round 2 was for the Challenge FIG category which saw Scarlett finish 10th overall and 4th on floor with Honesty placing 5th overall and as well as 3rd on beam.
Round 3 had Lola finish 6th overall at in age level 4 as well as being top scorer on beam. Phoebe placed 4th out of age level 4 (06) as well as 3rd on beam and floor. Izzy finished 8th at level 4 (05+) and 3rd on bars with Poppy crowned South East champion at this level as well as finishing 2nd on vault and bars and 1st on beam. These girls also placed 2nd for the level 4 team ranking. 
Level 5 in age gymnasts competed on the Sunday with Elisha 10th overall, Tabitha 4th overall and 2nd on bars and Brooke 2nd overall as well as placing 1st on bars and floor. This competition was highly competitive with 40 competitors. Level 5 out of age saw Morgan finish 3rd overall out of 28 competitors as well as 3rd on bars and beam and 2nd on floor.  The Level 5 team also placed 2nd.

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